May Book Review


Your cheat sheet to learning from books without having to read them.

‘Talk like TED’ by Carmine Gallo

Sometimes we struggle to tell our career or personal stories – this book is here to help.


Below are 8 tips on how to make your presentations more engaging and memorable:

1. Speak your passion. Excitement shines through when you talk about something that you love. Show your joy and commitment to the things you love and find enjoyment in, it will make people want to know more about you and connect with you.

2. Tell a story. Our lives are stories, with each event writing a new chapter in our lengthy narrative. To capture our audience, we must share tales that are both personal and filled with conflict, sparking curiosity about what comes next.

3. Do not make it too long. For a TED talk 18 minutes is perfect – for an elevator pitch just 90 seconds. Think of your audience and do not over-present. 

4. Use humor to make yourself and your information more memorable. Who does not like to laugh? It also makes you more relatable and human.

5. Create multisensory experiences. If you want your talk to be engaging and memorable, appeal to as many senses as possible. Use images, video, audio, touch, smell and taste where possible to capture your audience. In an interview or networking event it might mean having a quirky accessory that everyone remembers.

6. Tell something new or exciting. Your brain is intrigued and captivated by novelty. We remember better if something out of the ordinary captures our attention.

7. Use the rule of three. Give your audience three things to remember. Break down your presentation into three points that you want people to take away with them.

8. Practice makes perfect. This applies to anything in life. Do what makes you uncomfortable so many times that it becomes your strength.

Book Review by 

Salme Tran,

Operations and Customer Service Leader, Career Club DK Advisory Board Member

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